Sunday 23 March 2014

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April Fool SMS To Fool Your Girl Friend

Fooling your life partner with a sweet message on April Fools day, sounds cool right? Yeah, we have a message through which you can do it! April Fools Day SMS to Fool your Girlfriend or Boyfriend Easily!

April Fool Days SMS Prank For Couples-

I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
I Love U
Don’t be so confused, I love other alphabets too

What was the reply you got :p ? Be sure to comment it!

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Saturday 22 March 2014

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14 Great April Fools Day Food Pranks Reciepies For Breakfast For Kids


You can start your morning with a nice prank and that'll make you the official Prankster at your house,school or whatever! Food pranks are the easiest once to do as anyone would get tempted to eat anything! Specially for breakfast. Here are some amazing Food Pranks for April Fools Day that are safe even for kids.

Note- Try at your own risk, we aren't responsible for any of the losses.

So let us take a look at the some of th emost amazing food pranks ever!

Safe and Amazing April Fools Day Food Prank recipes For Kids-

Make a sponge cake for that special someone by frosting honest-to-goodness real sponges in a cake pan! Just don’t bake it!

Just in time for Easter, hard-boil all the eggs in the refrigerator and place them back into the carton.

If you know someone who loves Oreo cookies, scrape out the white creamy filling and replace with white toothpaste.

Switch the sugar and/or creamer for salt. Just don’t forget to switch it back!

If you have non-see-through bottles for ketchup and one for mustard, pour mustard in the ketchup bottle and ketchup in the mustard bottle.

If you have salt and pepper shakers, switch the salt for pepper and vice versa.

Sour Milk - Before you go to bed, add some green or blue food coloring to your carton of milk. The kids will get quite the surprise when they pour their glass of milk in the morning.

Mash It - Whip up these interesting Ice Cream Potatoes that look just like mashed potatoes and gravy.

Got Milk-If your milk comes in a cardboard container, add a few drops of food coloring. It's harmless April Fool's joke but the results are pretty colorful.

What's That in Your Apple-For a fruity April Fool's practical joke, get a few gummy worms and carefully poke them into fresh fruit, particularly apples. Give mom or dad a wormy apple for lunch and leave a few apples on the table for friends and family members to snack on.

April Showers-If you have a sink with a sprayer, put a rubber band around the handle when nobody's looking. This automatically keeps the nozzle in spray-mode. Make sure the nozzle is pointing up and outward. The next person to use the sink will get a splash! Too funny!

Spare Change-This April Fool's practical joke is old but it still works. Superglue some coins to the sidewalk or any spot that has a lot of people walking around. Make sure it's an appropriate place, then watch people break fingernails to get the coins.

One Sick Joke-Fill a hot water bottle with blended leftovers or even pea soup. Keep the bottle hidden under your shirt near your chest and make a trip to the cafeteria. Your friends need to be in on this prank. When the cafeteria is full, make a loud noise to attract attention, bend over the table and squeeze the bottle. Your sludge should spew out all over the table like you've just thrown up.

Look What I can Do- Ask your victim, er.. friend to put a quarter on a piece of paper and, without removing their finger, trace the coin with a pencil. Repeat the "test" with a few fingers. After that's done, get the victim to pick up the quarter and roll it along the bridge of their nose. Then quietly snicker behind their back as they walk around with a black line along their nose. Don't use a permanent marker cuz that's not cool.

So, you enjoyed it right? Go celebrate the ultimate fools day!
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Top 30 April Fool Pranks ideas and Practical jokes For Friends, Girlfriends, Kids, Parents and Teachers 2014

Pranking your friends on April Fools day is one of the greatest thing that you can do to enjoy the first day of April month! Here are some practical jokes and pranks that will help you to prank your friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, parents, kids and even teachers! What are you waiting for ? Here are the ultimate list of April Fool Prank ideas for parents, teachers, girlfriends, boyfriends, BFF's and relatives!
  1.  This one’s for diabolical parents: When the kids are sound asleep, switch them to each other’s beds. Just make sure you’re there to see their reactions when they wake up! 
  2. Change your victim’s cell phone settings from English to another language. 
  3. Replace the cream filling of Oreos with toothpaste, then invite your target for a snack. 
  4. Add a few drops of food coloring to the bottom of a cereal bowl. When your target pours in milk, he’ll get a colorful surprise. 
  5. Sprinkle grape Kool-Aid mix inside the showerhead to turn the water—and your victim’s skin—purple. 
  6. Place mini marshmallows on top of the ceiling fan’s blades, then ask someone to turn it on. 
  7. Fill soap dispensers around the house with pancake syrup. 
  8. Spread a layer of cream cheese over your target’s deodorant. 
  9. Switch your friend’s cell phone background image to a photo of cracked glass. 
  10. Fill an empty mayonnaise jar (with the label still on) with vanilla yogurt while no one’s looking. Then, when the family is in the room, grab the jar from the refrigerator and dig in to the “mayo.” 
  11. On Facebook, change your birthday to April 1. When the well wishes start rolling in, switch your status to “April Fools!” 
  12.  Dip the ends of your officemate’s pens in clear nail polish. 
  13.  Take a screenshot of your coworker’s computer desktop, and set it as the background. Hide all of the desktop icons and watch as she struggles with the “frozen” screen. 
  14.  Post a sign on the office copy machine that says, “This copier is now voice-activated.” 
  15.  Change your outgoing voicemail message to “Hello? … Hello? … April Fools!” 
  16.  your little ones are sound sleepers, wait until they are fast asleep to pull the old switcheroo! Switch them to different beds while they are sleeping. Imagine their surprise when they wake up in their brother's or sister's bed on April Fools Day!
  17. Bug Off – Purchase some realistic insects prior to April 1st and place the creepy crawlers in ice cubes, socks, shoes, food, etc.
  18. Get the ugliest most disgusting temporary tattoo and wear it proudly to work.
  19. Spray It - Put a rubber band around the kitchen sink’s sprayer and wait until someone turns the water on.
  20. Crank it – Turn up the volume as high as it can go on someone’s computer or radio before they turn it on.
  21. Stick It - Attach magnets to a large cup, place the cup on the hood or roof of the car and take off.
  22. Fill someone’s car with balloons.
  23. Print out this printable parking ticket and leave on an unsuspecting friend’s vehicle.
  24. What a Doll! - If you happen to have a blow-up doll hanging around, put it in a pal’s vehicle. Or dress her up, strap her in the passenger seat and go for a spin!
  25. Switcheroo Shoes - Take a good hard look at the family’s shoes. If a loved one happens to have shoes that look similar in style but are different colors, switch them. For instance, if they have a pair of black shoes and a pair of blue shoes that are similar in style, take the left blue shoe and replace it with the left black shoe. Be sure to hide the matching shoes. They’ll go to work or school with 2 shoes that don’t match.
  26. Put some powder on top of the ceiling fan blades and wait for someone to turn it on!
  27. In a Stitch – Grab a few pair of hubby’s or the kids’ undies and sew them together. Next time they go to grab a clean pair, they’ll get more than they bargained for!
  28. Translation Please - Change a family member’s cell phone language from English to another language. Just make sure you are able to change it back to the proper setting!
  29. Put a sheet or two of plastic-wrap over the toilet seat.
  30. Put some vaseline on a few door handles.
  31. Sticky Mouse - Use double-sided tape under someone’s computer mouse or on the telephone receiver.
  32. Computer users will be pulling their hair out with this prank. Purchase the Phantom Keystroker for under $10, plug it into someone’s USB port and watch the fun begin! Random mouse movements and gibberish are just a few of the tricks this handy device can do. Please do not use this device if the user is working on an important assignment, project or upcoming deadline. 
Hope you enjoyed try these out!
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